Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Crying Out to God

I cried out to God for help;
I cried out to God to hear me.
When I was in distress, I sought the LORD... (77:1-2a)
You are the God who performs miracles;
You display your power among the peoples. (77:14)

These past few weeks, we have opened the church for come & go prayer time from 6:30 AM - 8 AM. We have had some pretty amazing things happen:

- Answers to prayer regarding medical tests

- Someone comes to the mind of one of the praying, we call them, and we are all convinced that God prompted that conversation as they had a burden they were carrying

- Powerful movings of the Spirit in the services

- People being prompted to begin new ministries and activities

We believe that these are connected to increased prayer within the last couple of months.

Steve Raeburn, who has initiated this prayer time, will be away June - August. We don't want to lose momentum. We'd like to keep the "prayer temperature" up. But we will need to do things differently, or have different people step up.

We'd like to invite you to be in prayer about being a part of a prayer emphasis this summer. Here are several possibilities:

- You could plan to be at the church on a given day, at a given time to pray. We'd let other people know they could join you during those hours.

- We could have a once a month or once a week 24-hour prayer vigil, where we invite people to sign up for 1/2 hour shifts.

- We could form an e-mail prayer chain, where we agree to pray throughout the week for various needs and requests that are brought to us.

- Open up your home for a time of prayer. Let us know when it is and we'll put it on the church calendar.

The list of possibilities goes on and on... The more creative, the better!

If you are sensing the Spirit moving you to be a part of a prayer emphasis this summer, e-mail me at jcrwdr@juno.com. Let's seek out where God is leading us regarding prayer June-August.

Grace & peace

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